====== mactunnel Documentation ====== In order to configure mactunnel edit the mactunnel.app/Contents/Resources/mactunnel.conf file, click the mactunnel icon, and select "Reload Configuration File". The configuration file is composed of global options, and service sections. Each section begins with the section name in square brackets. The following global options are available: * iconActive = -- File name of the icon indicating some active connections. * iconError = -- File name of the icon indicating invalid configuration file. * iconIdle = -- File name of the icon indicating no active connections. The following service-level options are available: * accept = [:] -- The port (and optionally address of a network interface) to accept connections to the service. By default it accepts connections on all network interfaces. * connect = [:] -- The port (and optionally address of the host) to connect the service. By default it connects to the loopback interface ( * client = yes/no -- "yes" for SSL/TLS client, and "no" for SSL/TLS server. The default is "no". * delay = yes/no -- This option is currently ignored. * verify = yes/no -- Whether to authenticate the peer with certificate. The default is "yes". * cert = -- Name of the service certificate stored in the Mac OS keychain.